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California Homeowners Gain More Time Under New Foreclosure Law in 2025

January 30, 2025 | By
California Homeowners Gain More Time Under New Foreclosure Law in 2025

On January 1, 2025, a new law in California came into effect, offering critical protections to homeowners facing foreclosure. This legislation provides additional time for homeowners to sell their property and avoid losing it to foreclosure. Specifically, the law grants a 45-day extension for homeowners who sign a listing agreement with a licensed real estate agent, with an additional 45-day extension if the property goes into escrow. Here’s what you need to know about this important change and how it could help you or someone you know.

How the Law Works

The new law aims to give homeowners in distress more breathing room to sell their properties on the open market rather than losing them to foreclosure auctions, which often result in lower sales prices and devastating financial consequences.

  1. Listing
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Posted In: Client Resources, Foreclosure

Common Liens and Judgments

May 23, 2024 | By

Property liens are legal claims that are placed on a piece of real estate (Real Property). They are usually the result of debts that the property owner owes. For example, if a homeowner fails to pay their property tax, the government can put a tax lien on the homeowner’s property.

When a property has a lien,  it means that there is a barrier to selling the property.

The homeowner cannot sell their home unless the lien is removed. In some cases, property liens can even lead to foreclosure. For instance, if a homeowner fails to pay their mortgage, the lender can take possession of the house and sell it to pay off the debt.

There are different types of property liens. They can be either general or specific, and voluntary

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Posted In: Blog, Foreclosure, Real Estate Litigation

Understanding Foreclosure: A HANDY REFERENCE GUIDE

May 21, 2024 | By

What is Foreclosure?

When a homeowner fails to make the payments due on their home loan, the mortgage company can ‘foreclose’. This means that the lender can force a sale of the home to pay for the outstanding balance of the loan.

Timeline of a Foreclosure

Day 1 You are in default two days after your payment is due.
Day 32 You have now missed two monthly payments.

Day 32-90

Sometime during this period you will receive a letter stating that the Notice of Default (NOD) has been recorded. The speed with which lenders send NOD depends on the policy of each individual lender.

NOD Recorded

From this day, the next 90 days is a silent period. You have this time to pay all back payments, fees, and other charges
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Posted In: Blog, Foreclosure, Real Estate Litigation