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Using Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to Save Your Home After a Foreclosure Sale: A Game-Changing Law for California Homeowners

October 1, 2024 | By

The foreclosure process in California has long been viewed as final once the auction hammer drops, leaving homeowners with few options to recover their property after a foreclosure sale. However, changes in California foreclosure law in 2021 have introduced new opportunities for homeowners, especially when combined with a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing.

Under California Civil Code (CC) 2924m, there is now a window of opportunity following a foreclosure auction where the sale is not final, giving certain parties—such as eligible tenants or nonprofit organizations—a chance to submit a higher bid or give notice of intent to bid. More importantly for bankruptcy attorneys and homeowners, this law means that a bankruptcy filing after the foreclosure auction but before the sale is finalized may allow the homeowner to keep their property.

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Posted In: Bankruptcy, Blog

What is the “Automatic Stay” in Bankruptcy and Its Significance?

April 29, 2024 | By

The “automatic stay” is a powerful aspect of filing for bankruptcy. It acts as an immediate shield, protecting you from creditors the moment your bankruptcy case is initiated. This protection typically lasts for the duration of your case, providing relief from various forms of creditor pressure. It halts actions that diminish your income, such as wage garnishment, and prevents imminent threats to your property, including vehicle repossession and home foreclosure. Additionally, it puts an end to harassing creditor calls and collection letters.

Losing the Automatic Stay: How and Why?

There are two primary ways you might lose the automatic stay:

  1. Creditor’s Motion for Relief: A creditor may request the court to lift the automatic stay regarding their debt, allowing them to proceed with collateral possession. This is more common among
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Posted In: Bankruptcy, Blog